Beginnings, Endings, and the In-Between

The beginning of the work week

The end of one job
Brings the close of a chapter
Tasks handed off, responsibilities changing

The beginning of another
Brings opportunities, new knowledge, adventure
But also hesitation, the unknown, and active nerves

I am working my way through this Friday, my last Friday at my current place of employment.  I look back and wonder how the last five years suddenly disappeared, and time shifted to this date.  I have learned some things in my time here, about myself, about the workplace, and about business workings in general.

I have gained some friendships, some knowledge and experience, and am grateful for this time here.  It was an opportunity that was placed before me when I was looking to get back into the full time work force, and I took it. I was able to pick up some new skills and sharpen some that I already had.  I was eased back into the work-a-day world and driving to the office and integrating my schedule with the rest of the family's.

Now, I change course.  A new opportunity lies just ahead, and as I reach the next intersection there will be different schedules to manage, different skills to learn, and a few unknowns to change into knowledge.  It is an exciting time, but there are some active nerves as well.


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