When I Grow Up

I think about a time in the not-so-distant future, when my dreams begin to become reality...
(Insert screeching record or brakes here)

Really, when I am daydreaming, I think of what I would like this creative business to become, and what I would like to do with it.  There are some very creative people who I follow, and I'm sure you have heard of them, but here is a list of some of the people who I look up to, and would love to meet someday!

There are more that I discover as I go out looking for inspiration, but these are a few that I have been following for a while now.  I enjoy reading their blogs and keeping up with their ideas and projects because they see beauty in a variety of styles.  I also like to hear their insight into how they got to where they are in their businesses, and what they are still learning.

There are so many ideas out there, and I have a few of my own.  I had a brief conversation the other day, beginning with someone asking "What do you have as a vision for this creative business?"  I realize that I don't always allow myself to think too far ahead, but I have dreams (and sometimes pictures) of what I would like to see happen.  I would love to have a space for workshops, classes, maybe even retreats.  I would like to have a retail space of sorts, with unique gifts and ideas for people to browse, and perhaps find a piece of their story.

It is scary to say it out loud - or to even type those words - though I don't know exactly what I am fearful of...  So as I get back to my full-time job, and dream about my creative business, I will keep working on ideas and jotting them down.  I will keep seeking out and trying new projects and experiments.

What do you want to be or do when you grow up?


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